Patient Successes In White House, TN
"As most women my age, I am beginning to see wrinkles in my forehead and
some sagging in my cheek area. After Emface treatment, my forehead wrinkles have improved significantly and my cheek bones seem to have a lift that I was not noticing before. The extra bonus of this treatment is that I have noticed a decrease in my migraines. I attribute this to the massaging of the Emface and helping my facial muscles." - AF
Knee Pain
"My name is Cary and I am a career firefighter and an avid outdoorsman. I am 45 years old and through the years my body has taken a beating. I have noticed over the last few years that my knees were becoming weaker and the pain was becoming more constant and severe. About two months ago I went to my personal physician for my yearly physical. I was told that I had tendentious in both of my knees and arthritis in my right knee. I was also told that I had tendonitis in both my elbows and arthritis in my right shoulder. I have not been able to exercise normally in over a year. I quit hiking due to my knee pain and my day-to-day life was being affected by the pain. My doctor told me that I could take some anti-inflammatory medications but for the most part it was deal with it as it is a part of getting old, or have surgery. I spoke with Stephen at Wave it Away and he felt that I would benefit from their treatments.

I had five treatments on my knees and the difference it has made is tremendous. After the first treatment I noticed a difference. After the second treatment, I was able to walk up and down stairs with no pain. After the fourth treatment I put my knees to the test, my wife and I hiked 6 miles in the Smoky Mountains. Although my knees were sore the next day, I was amazed at what I was able to do. The following day, the soreness was gone and I was back at it. Without the treatments at Wave it Away, my knees would still be in constant pain and my activity level would be nonexistent. Thankfully, I am back to my normal daily routine and I can enjoy the outdoors the way I always have. My next goal is to have my elbows treated and rid myself of the pain that has been associated with it." - CP
After Two Treatments - Able To Squat Without Pain

“About a year ago, I sustained a severe knee injury that required immediate surgery. After five months of rehab, I continued to have pain and stiffness. Upon my therapy with Wave It Away, my pain level has decreased very much and my knee stiffness has been diminished an incredible amount. The only regret I have is that I didn’t seek Wave It Away therapy much earlier in my healing process.” -WA
“I had to plan my day around convenient restrooms…..It interfered with my lifestyle….,” (after 6 treatments) “I am doing fantastic! I feel like I am a more normal person; I go to bed around 10:30 or 11 and wake up about 7 to go to the restroom.; It’s given me a new lease on life!” - TW

"I had great success with the techniques used by Wave it Away. I had severe tailbone pain for years, had been through CT scans, X-rays, painful shots, chiropractic treatments and a lot of money spent that ended with no results. I received several treatments at Wave it Away and the pain is nearly gone. Go check out Stephen and his friendly office staff and you will not regret it. It adds so much quality of life and I’m so glad I visited them!" - MP
“I was getting up three to four times a night to go to the bathroom. Now, this week (he finished 6 treatments last week), it is down to zero. I go to bed, sleep all night, and then get up and go to the bathroom. I get more rest now than I ever got.” - JS
"I am a mother of 3 and have had a lot of strain on my bladder over the
years. Several things I have noticed after treatment with Emsella. I no longer make multiple visits to the bathroom after waking up. I can now make a two hour drive without being terribly uncomfortable." - AF

"This has been the biggest life changing thing that has ever happened to me. I no longer have to schedule my trips around where the next bathroom is. I arrived home the other night about 6:45 and when I went to bed at 11:00 I realized I had not gone to the bathroom since I had been home. Previously I would have gone a minimum of 9-10 times during that length of time. I will be forever eternally grateful for getting a life that I never had. I am 66 and have been dealing with these issues for 64 of those years with surgeries and dilations and no success until now. I have a life for the first time in my life." -BN

Maria R. is enjoying Emsella!
"I had suffered with metatarsalgia for the past 6 months and found that playing tennis and taking daily walks were no longer enjoyable due to the discomfort. After receiving 3 treatments with the DuoLith Shock Wave Therapy, my foot pain has nearly subsided. I am very pleased and optimistic that my foot inflammation is now under control. It feels wonderful to get back doing the activities that I love." - SF

Erectile Dysfunction
“Thanks to the great staff at Wave It Away. I had a positive experience and results. It’s a definite advantage to have these progressive techniques in White House.” - DS
“We heard about Wave It Away through a friend. We tried different medications and counseling with unfortunately no help or relief. After 2 years of marriage, coming across Wave It Away has been a miracle. Before all of the treatments were over, we saw results that changed our lives. It didn’t hurt at all to do the treatments. We are still seeing the benefits and are very thankful.” - JT
“I just want to thank Wave It Away and its staff for helping me and my husband. They are a Godsend. My husband suffers from erectile dysfunction and we tried everything with no success. We came across Wave It Away and we had a lot of questions for the staff. They answered all of our questions and concerns and helped calm all of our fears. This helped save our marriage. With nothing working, we were so frustrated because we didn’t know where to turn or what else to do. We were teetering on the verge of divorce. If we hadn’t come across Wave It Away we probably would be divorced. So from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU!!!” - JT
Plantar Fasciitis
“I have tried almost everything out there for my Plantar Fasciitis. Wave It Away, after the first couple of treatments, helped tremendously and is still helping very much today (9 months after the treatments)!” - TM
Back Spasms
"I have had intermittent, chronic, low back spasms due to a weightlifting injury, years ago. The shockwave treatments have greatly reduced the pain and discomfort. Much fewer episodes of low back spasm. Much less severe when they happen. One of the best investments of my money ever." - CL
Hip Flexor (Hip and Joint Pain)
“This was a daily pain! Neither yoga, stretching, nor massage helped this at all. The treatments repaired the tendon sheath; the muscle now goes through easily. I have not thought of these in months!” - CL
Lumbago (Lower Back Pain)
“I had a trigger, maybe scar tissue; it used to lock up; now it hardly ever happens! Now I can side bend and rotate without fear of locking up and being taken down for days. This was the best money I ever spent; it worked like a charm for me!” - CL
"I've had severe lower back pain for many years. Wave It Away has reduced my pain level by at least 90% and I still have 3 more treatments scheduled. 99% less pain equals 200 % improved quality of life. Definitely worth it!" - MB

"Hello, my name is Mike. I am 71 years old and have been a farmer all of my life and have not even had any low back issues until recently. My back pain started early one morning and after a couple of hours of work, it had progressed to the point that I knew that I had to quit. As I finished my project, I discovered that it was going to be very difficult to dismount the tractor because it was very painful no matter which direction I tried to turn or twist. After a couple of days stretched out on the couch, I made a trip to the family doctor to receive a prescription for muscle relaxers and some stretch exercises which yielded little relief. I even tried pain patches on my back. The next attempt for relief was a couple of
visits to the chiropractor. The relief was minimal and short-lived. Then I found Wave It Away! I had relief after the first treatment and the relief got better with each treatment and it lasted. After a few “painless” treatments, my back issue is gone and I’m functioning as usual in a new crop year on the farm. I’M CONVINCED!!" - MB
Prostatitis or CPP (Chronic Pelvic Pain)
“Focused shockwave therapy is effective in treatment of CPP (Chronic Pelvic Pain) and Prostatitis. It could improve the urination and bladder evacuation.” - SA
Tennis Elbow
“I developed a chronic injury in the ligaments of my elbow, called tennis elbow. I had pain every time I used my elbow to twist or lift. I underwent treatment with DuoLith shockwave therapy that has greatly improved my elbow. I saw improvements after the first few sessions.” - CL

"Hi, my name is Cathy. My occupation is farmer and over the last 5 to 6 months I’ve had a lot of pain due to tendonitis in my right arm and many days not able to do my greenhouse work effectively or even other jobs without a lot of discomfort. Even the slightest task of opening medicine bottle tops, turning the steering wheel in my truck, even turning the ignition key off had become very painful. And many more daily tasks, like peeling potatoes, cutting meat, fixing my hair, doing computer work with my right hand and arm had become pretty painful or simply not able to do without a grimace on my face. I have had interrupted sleep at night because of pain, and many times relied upon some otc meds, but only
got a minimal amount of relief, certainly not enough to continue my work routine without taking more. After hearing that Wave It Away offered treatments for tendonitis, I decided that was the route I would take to help me. And I am so happy and pleased that I did. After three treatments, I am so, so much improved and my pain is so much better now that I am able to do those daily tasks without a thought that that action or arm position is going to hurt. Thank You, Wave It Away; our spring season is beginning and now I can get on with my daily work at the farm." - CB
Thigh Abductor Pain
“I had scar tissue in my inner thigh; it would keep me from stretching out; it would bind up like a cord stretched too tight. After the treatments, that pain and "bound feeling" is now gone." - CL
Quadratus Lumborum
This patient hurt his back in 2010; was told by his physician he had a pulled muscle and was given pain pills. About every two to three months he would pull his back again and be completely down for two days. This went on for 10 years. After being treated with the DuoLith Shockwave Therapy, his pain was completely gone and he was thrilled with the results! Twenty-two months later he reports, "My back has been doing good with NO additional pain!" - BW
Frozen Shoulder
Before Treatment

After One Treatment

Tendinitis and Repetitive Strain Injury
"My name is Cecil. I am approaching my 80th birthday; it is in about 4 months. I overworked my right arm using a screw gun. My right elbow swelled and was very painful. Being an active farmer, I thought it would go away; it did not. The next day I could not use my right arm; I could not even touch my face with my right hand. I could not shave; I could not brush my teeth; I could not comb my hair. I could not eat as normal; I had to use my left hand -- that meant sandwiches and finger food. I could not hold a spoon or fork.
I talked to Stephen at Wave it Away; he thought he could help. The next day I went for treatment. Three days later, I could touch my nose with my right thumb! Each day it improved somewhat. By the weekend I could comb my hair, brush my teeth, shave, and put in my contact lenses. After the next treatment, I felt almost back to normal; now I am back to normal all the way. I would have spent weeks in therapy if I had gone to an MD and on pain medicine in addition." - CF
Before Treatment

After One Treatment

After Three Treatments

Ankylosing Spondylitis
"Hi! My name is Angie Frye, and I’m 45 years old. I am a wife, mother of 3 and teacher. I would like to share my successes with Wave it Away. About 3 years ago, after having symptoms for approximately 3 years, I was diagnosed with Ankylosing Spondylitis. This inflammatory disease can have many issues, but one issue I had daily was waking up with upper back pain. Since treatment around the neck area and upper back, this daily discomfort no longer exists. I have gone from dreading bedtime because I knew the pain that awaited me in the morning to waking up literally pain free!" - AF
Before Treatment

After 5 Treatments

"Wave it Away DuoLith treatment of my sciatica pain was greatly effective in getting me back to playing tennis and out of pain quickly. Prior to treatment, I had spent nearly 4 weeks in pain and resting my leg day after day on a heating pad with no relief. Because I had successful treatment for metatarsalgia pain with the DuoLith 5 years ago, I chose to schedule an appt for my sciatica issue. I am not exaggerating when I report that my pain was 80% improved after my first shock wave treatment and felt 100% improved after 4 sessions. It is truly impressive how beneficial these treatments improved my ability to get back to my normal activities without pain. This facility is professional and the staff are very helpful and kind. I’ve recommended Wave It Away to family and friends who could benefit from this amazing technology." - SF

"Having SUCCESS on Emsella!" - MR