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Select Your Pain

Who wants to stop the activities that we love? Surgery, slings, and boots can make you stop activities for weeks or months. Medications can make you lethargic, loopy, and constipated.


We want you to know about an amazing technological treatment to pain! Wave It Away in White House, TN uses the DuoLith SD-1 focused shock wave therapy machine. These waves provide a non-surgical, non-anesthetic, no additional medication, no-down time, pain free treatment. This wave therapy accelerates the healing process in the body by stimulating the metabolism and enhancing blood circulation to regenerate damaged tissue. Focused wave therapy can successfully address chronic pain in areas such as the: knee, ankle, heel, foot, hamstring, back, shoulder, jaw, elbow, wrist, and hand. It is also used to address sports injuries and many other painful debilitating conditions. Treatments can occur once or twice a week for 2 - 6 weeks. The results can be amazing and can get you back on the field, on the court, on the course, on the bike, or on the lane very quickly!

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