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Treatments We Offer

See What Our Patients Have To Say
Facial Contouring
"As most women my age, I am beginning to see wrinkles in my forehead and
some sagging in my cheek area. After Emface treatment, my forehead wrinkles have improved significantly and my cheek bones seem to have a lift that I was not noticing before. The extra bonus of this treatment is that I have noticed a decrease in my migraines. I attribute this to the massaging of the Emface and helping my facial muscles." - AF
Plantar Fasciitis
“I have tried almost everything out there for my Plantar Fasciitis. Wave It Away, after the first couple of treatments, helped tremendously and is still helping very much today (9 months after the treatments)!” - TM
“I was getting up three to four times a night to go to the bathroom. Now, this week (he finished 6 treatments last week), it is down to zero. I go to bed, sleep all night, and then get up and go to the bathroom. I get more rest now than I ever got.” - JS
"I've had severe lower back pain for many years. Wave It Away has reduced my pain level by at least 90% and I still have 3 more treatments scheduled. 99% less pain equals 200 % improved quality of life. Definitely worth it!" - MB